Eric O'harraPortfolio Manager for Warrior Care, Facility Security Officer (FSO)
Eric O’Harra joined KSA in September of 2018 as the Program Manager for the Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment Sergeant Merlin German Call Center and currently serves as KSA’s Comprehensive Veterans Support Portfolio Manager.
Prior to joining KSA, Eric served over 26 years as a commissioned officer in the Marine Corps as an Aviation Command and Control Officer. During his military career he held numerous command positions from the company to squadron level. These included director of the Marine Corps Air Command and Control School and Marine Air Control Squadron 4 in Okinawa Japan. He also has served as Operations and Executive Officer at the Regimental level as well as Project Lead, Aviation Command and Control Transition Task Force, and Tactical Air Command Center Advocate at Headquarters USMC Aviation. His final tour was serving as Executive Officer for the Wounded Warrior Regiment in Quantico Virginia where he discovered his deep passion for helping veterans.
Throughout his career he has gained extensive experience in Operations, Project, Personnel and Resource Management, Training Development and Team Building.
He is a graduate of the University of Arizona as well as the Air War College and currently resides in his hometown of Tucson Arizona.